Employer Matched Donations



Employer Matched Donations

Your donations can be even more powerful when you register them for Matching Gifts!

What’s Matching Gifts, you ask?

Employers often offer their employees the matching-gifts incentive to encourage charitable giving—sometimes, they even extend their matching program to include donations made by an employee’s spouse or by retired employees.

Please search your employer’s Gift Giving site for Islamic Center of Greensboro in the state of North Carolina. If found, it means you can donate to Islamic Center of Greensboro and then apply for a matching gift at your organization. Keep in mind, this program is limited to actual donations and excludes pledges. This is a fantastic opportunity to stretch your donation Dollars and Insha’Allah get additional hasanat from Allah Subhanahu wa ta’la. If you have already donated to the Masjid during the past one year, you will still be able to apply for a matching gift with your employer. Please don’t miss this chance.

Companies like Nike, Honda, Coke, Bank of America, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, IBM, Apple, Verizon, Yahoo!, Exxon Mobil and many others will match their employees’ contributions to Islamic Center of Greensboro. Thank you for your generosity and continued support as well as going the extra mile to see if your company offers these programs!

To take advantage of this opportunity, please request a matching gift form from your employer’s Human Resource (HR) or contact us at 336.375.4908 and we will assist you inshaAllah.

Send the completed and signed matching gift form to info@icgmasjid.org, typing “Matching Gift” in the subject line.



Most frequent questions and answers

What are employee matching gift programs?

Employee matching gift programs are corporate giving programs in which the company matches donations made by employees to eligible nonprofit organizations. It’s an easy way to double your contribution to us!

Islamic Center of Greensboro (ICG) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) with an EIN: 56-1849092 services a wide variety of social welfare activities in addition to a place of worship and education center.

What are volunteer grant programs?

Volunteer grant programs are corporate giving programs in which companies provide monetary donations to organizations where employees volunteer regularly.